nzb 0.1.3 Released

This version contains a few new features and bug fixes. The next release will have a focus on changing the file list so that it can support several new features like queue editing and download/decode status.


Downloads [Win32, Source]

4 Responses to “nzb 0.1.3 Released”

  1. Derk says:

    Great job!!! Much improvement, only I had to restart the program after editing the options to let the new options work!
    I miss an Icon for your program:D
    With the 0.1.2 release I had a bug, when some files where not on the server anymore he stoped downloading instead of giving a notice and go on with the next file, he will continue doing that till al my connections (4) are with errors!

    you are doing a great job, keep up the good work, looking forward to the next release!!

  2. mnordstr says:

    I’m glad you like it!

    An icon and graphics/layout in general is much needed but unfortunately something I’m not very good at 🙁 But I’ll try to get something instead of the default icon.

    Connection and error management is more or less non-existant and will be added at some point. Does the article not found error still leave you with errors on all connections? I believe it can handle segments missing, but an entire file probably still results in problems. The next version should handle it more gracefully.

    Thanks for all the comments and suggestions!

  3. ouiouioui says:

    i’m in the first to instal it but now for have nzb we have to use debian testing

    no way to keep only cmd line tool for debian sarge?

    can i download older 1.0 please

    else the win32 is very good thanks.

  4. mnordstr says:

    The console version isn’t maintained at the moment. If you want to install the old console version, install libnzb and this package:

    That contains the old console version and should work on Sarge.